Activities aimed at the general public

While most events held at the ICS are open to the general public, the Institute undertakes a number of initiatives aimed at disseminating social science research and involving citizens in discussion of scientific research-related topics.


Youtube Channel

The ICS has had a dedicated YouTube channel since 2007, containing videos of conferences and other events held at the Institute.

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Several Observatories and Research Groups publish blogs with regular contributions from their researchers, doctoral students and associates.

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Citizen consultation

From time to time the ICS organizes public consultations of citizens on topics of current interest relating to the research areas covered by the Groups and Observatories.

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European Researcher Night

Since 2005 the European Commission has organized the European Research Night on the last Friday of September, one of Europe’s largest scientific research dissemination events. Its aim is to break down the barriers separating Research from Citizens and to demystify the image of the academic researcher as someone who is distant and inaccessible. In recent years the ICS has taken part in events organized by the University of Lisbon’s Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência – National Museum of Natural History and Science.

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Science and Technology Week

Science and Technology Week is an event at the end of November organized by the Agência Ciência Viva (Open Science Agency). The ICS is a regular participant, with events such as seminars, exhibitions, and film cycles.

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ICS Outside

The ICS often works together on other organizations’ dissemination activities for the public at large.

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